Tuesday, September 14, 2010

2007 Youth Techzilla Sale

Leaving Leaving GALGOS with mechanical hare

For these dates and start coming to the general ban, the lovers of the dog, kill the bug with the races in the festivities of the people, nice crowd before pulling the dogs with the dogs.
races have been held recently in several towns in the region, onions, Cerralbos, Carmena, Los Navalmorales ... with competitions for local and regional, the result is often the least important thing is to participate and spend a day with all greyhound lovers.

Here is an example of two generations of galgueros, after a career in Los Cerralbos.
Arthur and Dani, they're ready to start the hunting season, but whereas both her dogs have participated in several tests, to put them in the form .....
Friends and is less for it to boot the truant by those sliding of the box.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lets Have A Look At That Vergina

from Cameroon .................... Leaving

Congratulations friend Ramon, for sending us this picture from Cameroon with your group of children from this humble website I wish the best for the land and our highest admiration for the work they are developing in this country on the African continent, not all is fun, there is devotion.
CONGRATULATIONS ................... ......... all the fans went out to the field.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Interesting Information About Mutations

DOVE .... Leaving

I came on vacation and I phoned Santiago / about this afternoon that you've seen a good dove ranch on sunflowers / and I began to itch the itch to Chuck, I change clothes and the post.
Expectations were high as it happened, a whole lesson on how to prepare the rolls.
few years ago that we have in the area, a shot of pigeons as the one held yesterday at the Preserve Mancho in Malpica de Tajo, managed by our partners James and Eusebio (a caring friend who has had a scare with your health).
began the evening as before, came blasted and all posts were serving This revolt of the previous day's time did these migratory birds come into the trough, with the flight so spectacular that characterizes, with some shots of true beauty to all the hunters present.

Pelopincho, Alejandro and Carlos Micareva, with its racks of doves.

Instant group with the 280 Dove hunters slaughtered in this half-day closure.

THANKS, my friend James for letting me spend the evening at the position with you, that you know to be characterized at all times, birds cucando others with the temple at the time of shooting and above all, with that mastery of the situation and willingness to control details to work out.