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Chile: Using Facebook and is almost as important as the email in Santiago

  • Posted by Hector via Google Reader:
  • Chile: Using Facebook and is almost as important as the email Santiago
    SlashGear via
    Cabezas 26/04/1911

    Every two years, Chile World Internet Project (WIP), is conducting a study on trends in the use and practice associated with internet in the country. In presenting his last measurement (taken at the end of 2010), were discovered significant differences in the use of the network, from the point of view of age and socioeconomic group, but nothing to scare anyone.
    What is most striking is that using Facebook is of such significance and priority;
    almost to the level of e-mail.

    The sample was taken with 752 cases in Greater Santiago and of which 517 were classified as Internet users, while the remaining 235 said they did not use the networks for anything.

    Thus, the average of total users is 58%, and
    the age range with the largest number of users is 18 to 24, with 86% (Guarded closely by teenagers with 83%), whereas the inflection point (parity between users and nonusers) occurs in the stretch between 35 and 44. Moreover, the average time spent daily active users online
    borders four hours from 12 to 34 years and there are differences between socioeconomic levels (ABC 1/C2, 3.9 hours, C3, 3.2 , and D, 2.8).

    But perhaps most striking about the study was the exponential leap from the use of Facebook on the previous survey, in 2008, and currently the world's largest social network shows

    85% penetration among Internet users, only 9% below email, which remained stable.

    gap two years ago reached 25%.

    In fact, Facebook (and social networks in general) is the most popular on the Internet by age (in an everyday basis), with 66% in the segment between 12 and 24. But, unlike email, falls under 40% from 25 years while email use is stable across all segments at about 64%. And the only utility where the rate has a positive change is in the reading of local news, which has a penetration of 22% between 12 and 24 years and rising to 39% in installments over 25 years.

    All these details and several more can be reviewed in the report presentation WIP.

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