Thursday, April 28, 2011
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addition, this letter created by UN-Habitat aims to promote the creation and maintenance of public green spaces, safe and socially inclusive, and also recognizes the work of social organizations around the world who are making efforts to create opportunities and participate in the task of promoting citizen participation to argue that in cities there are urban spaces that improve the quality of life in cities.
The statement also takes into consideration "the priorities of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme in relation to policies on sustainable urban development, which emphasizes the street start as a point of communication, commerce, contact and better access to the city, including access to all means of transportation, and stressing that urban planning for effective use of the streets is participatory planning, taking fully into account the great diversity of the needs of citizens. " 1. Invites governments to formulate and implement policies sustainable urban development to promote socially just and environmentally uses balanced urban public space, safe and without distinction of gender, that encourage urban resilience;
3. Invites national governments and partners in development and encourages local authorities to consider:
a) Implement effective planning, regulation and urban environmental management to promote a balance between urban development and protection of natural, historic, architectural, cultural and artistic preventing segregation and territorial exclusion, give priority to the social production of public space that encourages social and creative economic role of cities and property. For this purpose, cities should adopt measures to promote inclusion and equity, quality urban public spaces that respect the environment-friendly processes; b) integration urban safety for all citizens, especially for women, girls and other vulnerable groups, as an attribute of public space, taking into account considerations of gender and age in the laws regulating the use of public space;
4. Requests the Executive Director through the strategic plan and institutional plan, the program encourages the harmonious development of urban spaces and public spaces in a specific way that strengthens local and international approaches applied to the creation of inclusive cities, increase the knowledge of the partners of the Habitat Agenda and local authorities the creation of harmonious urban spaces, public spaces and the quality of urban life, and facilitate and implement the exchange, cooperation and research between the partners that perform in this area;
5. Also requests the Executive Director, in collaboration with partners of the Habitat Agenda, to develop a regulatory approach regarding the role that the harmonious development of urban areas could play in the task of addressing the challenges posed by the rapid process by the urbanization that has engulfed our world, to disseminate this approach HSP/GC/23/CRP.4/Rev.1 3ampliamente policy and its results, and develop a plan for their implementation internationally;
6. Further requests the Executive Director to assist in the task of coordinating the partners of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme to disseminate knowledge among the processes of sustainable urban development existing at all levels of government;
7. Requests the Executive Director, in relation to paragraphs which requested the Executive Director to take action, submit to the Board of Directors, at its 24 th session a report on progress in implementing this resolution. This
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