Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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account illusions and truths in the era of digital journalism

  • Posted by Hector via Google Reader:
  • Illusions and truths in the era of digital journalism
    CIPER Chile Marcelo Castillo Sibilla

    live in the era of transparency. Who wants to have a private life absolutely have to isolate the digital world. More likely is that in these new domains we see much more of what is happening around us, but we observed.

    This reflection generally put in the context of power and journalism, it means that the dictators of any kind will have little room to control information, as it is showing contemporary history.
    Welcome, then, the digital world with all its possibilities for the free flow of information. This phrase can be particularly timely for the World Day of Press Freedom, this 3 May, date to be held in Santiago with two interesting seminars, one led by UNESCO
    and the other by the International Federation of Journalists

    (FIP). However, that appeal may also be a smokescreen to hide the digital world simply reproduced in a new context that we already knew inequalities in other areas, news media. Let The discussion is open, but at least at the level of communications and journalism Chilean seems that none of these predictions has proven true: neither the mainstream media seems to have disappeared or are journalists extinction.

    Statistics on visits to web sites for information on the country put first ranking of the same media that dominate in other formats. If we consult the statistics of Chile IAB, Interactive Advertising Bureau, the international body that certifies unique visitors to place advertising on the Internet, who head the list in December 2010 are La Tercera and El Mercurio

    , even on other sites of commercial interest, such as Terra. No surprises, either in the digital world-over who wields its significant influence without counterweight.

    Ah, some might say, but yes Twitter which shows that anyone can have more fans than a journalist, so we can all open issues, provide information, raise currents of opinion without being journalists, but practicing as such. However, there is as well. A study by the Universidad Diego Portales gives background information about it. The ranking produced by this house of studies show that most followed twitters are two readers of TV news, Soledad Onetto and Mauricio Bustamante. In the top ten highlights independent journalist Nicolas Copano. Only in 10 shows an illustrious place unknown. The rest are persons of high presence in traditional media.

    is clear that the credibility the media, and journalists associated with them, will remain a key factor for the development of press freedom. The power of the media is associated with the technology readiness of its owners (who manages more bytes) and the quality of their reporting teams. Both requirements are high economic cost. Undoubtedly

    digital media open a door for those who are good news teams. This has been shown in Chile The Counter and Ciper, who have been able to break out of traditional media and a little more tangible to the right of citizens to information. For now, they are exceptions to the rule. Would cease to be.

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