Sunday, May 8, 2011

Going To The Zulu Ball

Max Weber, the father of sociology and management guru

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  • Max Weber, the father of management guru via
    Imaginactivo Thought of Manuel Gross on 05/07/1911

    Ricardo Crespo (IAE)


    Max Weber was perhaps one of the last great humanist. Born in Germany in 1864, lived 56 years in intense, with the exception of certain periods of certain Max_Weber.jpg nervous exhaustion, he developed a restless intellectual activity. Weber was a versatile intellectual. His influence on management theory covers the economy, leadership and organizational behavior ...

    Although he studied law as a formal career, their research interests, we might say that Weber was not only a lawyer but also an economist, historian and one of the founders of sociology. Weber

    like balanced views. If it comes to talking of rationality, consider that there are four types, according objectives, according to values, traditional and emotional, but none occurs in its purest form, which is good sense. The book that sets out this classification, his magnum opus Economy and Society

    , dates from 1920. Over the years we could see that rationality is exacerbated according to objectives, also called instrumental rationality. But today, the literature of management again stresses the importance of other aspects of rationality by topics such as management by values \u200b\u200bor emotional intelligence Tell a Friend.

    A exclusively oriented towards end targets failing: people feel manipulated and sabotaged, resists or work slowdowns. Therefore it is very important revive attention to the values, the emotional and create traditions in the company.

    When he talks about economy, Weber considers the technical aspects of adapting means to ends, but also thinks the economic act should focus on in order to then address the search technology in the most appropriate means to achieve .

    If we stay in the field of media, technical, do not innovate. Therefore it is very important to give some freedom and budget to research and development

    within the company. Weber is also one of the great theorists of bureaucracy and state organizations. Well famous classification has been done on the legitimate authority.

    On the one hand, a traditional domination

    , which comes from the blood. Second, is the charismatic authority

    , politician's own personality, which means delivery to

    leader. Finally, there is another type of domination based on legality

    , in obedience to rules that are recognized as legitimate.

    coexist in any organization, to a greater or lesser extent, these three types of domination. Thus, the Weberian ideas about the authority provide a good framework of analysis for the legitimacy and leadership in organizational structures.

    On one hand, we need guidelines, processes, systems, but they should not stifle creativity and innovation. It requires closeness to people, but also respect. There are things to be explained and others only to be indicated. Everything depends on the level that is sent and the matter in question.

    In everyday reflect little. The urgency of events prevents us from doing so. However, we make an effort to create a habit of wise and thoughtful decision: created the habit, by dint of thinking every decision, the further they become more automatic, to a reasonable point at which it almost instinctively. However, even when someone thinks they are at this stage, from time to time must, as Hayek said, spreading a little of your story and ask candidly about what it's all we do.

    Ricardo Crespo

    Professor of Economics IAE Management and Business School of the Universidad Austral




    Image: Max Weber

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