Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sterilite How To Separate
reported that a technical report on the Housing SEREMI, originally negative for the company, had been modified to allow the approval of HidroAysén. response came from Minister of Housing, Nicolas Terrazas Lagos, who said that "this document
Minvu leaves but comes with a forged signature of SEREMI surrogate, the man who (allegedly) signedbeen disabled to participate in the process because his father "
works and advises the Baker River AG, a peasant organization that has negotiated with HidroAysén under the project. Terraces would have done this process in early April and who replaces him for the purpose of processing HidroAysén is the official Rodrigo Solís Caro. However, there is a causal unrecognized could complicate the situation Terrazas. His brother, Pablo Terrazas Lagos (UDI militant, current chief of staff
the Undersecretary of Regional Development Miguel Flores, a former congressional candidate former legal advisor of the Municipality of Coyhaique) , owns four areas (roles550-28, 29, 30 and
As established in Section 6 of Article 62 of the Constitutional Organic Law 18.575 General Bases of the State Administration when designated as incompatible " intervene because of the duties in cases where it has an interest or staff who have a spouse, children, adopted or relatives within the third degree of consanguinity and second including affinity. And a brother up to second degree of consanguinity. Moreover, when last year the Housing SEREMI pronouncements issued through 898 offices of November 16, 2010 and 906 22 November 2010 (which, to some extent, soften objections to the company) had signed Terrazas, a situation that raises doubts about the impartiality that had the authority to lead the process. The effects of such a decision would crawl until today, since the pronouncements of bodies with environmental competence with subsequent binding of the same service, so in these cases which would establish a defect in the technical evaluation which was maintained over time. The other positions in the sight
to the resignation of Eduardo Lagos Nicolás and the situation of the questions Terrazas added another five authorities that make up the CEA. The same day he resigned Lagos, regional organizations sought the disqualification of the mayor of Aysen, Pilar Cuevas, and Public Works SEREMI, burn Sade, to participate in the evaluation process HidroAysén. The demand was made with a copy to the Regional Comptroller of Aysen.
The Intendant Cuevas rightful Aysén implement the Plan, launched by Sebastian Piñera on April 11 in Cochrane, the epicenter of any HidroAysén dams. This official document brings together key government objectives for the Aysen region with a view to the period 2010-2014. The letter signed by leaders of regional organizations, among whom is the author of this article, argues that " within what is considered private investment (page 39), Aysén Plan 'envisages accelerating large private investment projects', detailing these in U $ 1,505 million for the energy sector, an amount that corresponds unequivocally the two projects now under evaluation by the Environmental Evaluation Committee which you chair, such as the Aysén Hydroelectric Project Hydroelectric Project Cuervo "And the letter adds:" Thus, this planning tool, presented as a specific objective of the Administration of President Sebastián Piñera and you as their representative on the Region of Aysen, impossible you make an impartial decision on the projects under evaluation .
alluding to Article 62 No. 6, Section Two of the
18,575 Organic Constitutional Law on the General Bases of the State Administrationpointing the principle of abstention for any public official or authority to " participate in decisions where there is any circumstance that you subtract impartiality" by linking the exercise of its role as mayor "
directing the work of internal government in the region, in accordance with the directions, orders and instructions given to the President directly or through the Ministry of Interior"as established by 19,175 Basic Constitutional Law on Government and Regional Administration .
So far, explanations of the authorities have been inconsistent, pointing out that this investment would always for domestic consumption. The Government SEREMI, Marcia Raphael,
ruled that the $ 1.505 million included the hydroelectric projects. Then the SEREMI Energy Saldías Monica, said he was unaware data Aysén Plan " that information which you're talking about now, I know these figures, it is not what I management." And this weekend, the Intendant Pilar Cuevas
said that the funds are "lower energy projects like solar panels, wind generation, rural electrification, etc.. We want to meet 20% of alternative energy in our region. They are referred to large hydroelectric projects . The problem is that the figures do not fit. As experts say, U.S. $ 1.505 million would mean about 500 to 700 MW installed, considering worth U.S. $ 2-3000000 by MW, in circumstances that Aysen, now has only 37.65. The question, with a hint of irony, that many are asking is what kind of mega projects the Government has thought over the next three years in Aysén that power generation will require 20 times today.
SEREMI In the case of Public Works, burn Sade, the request for is disabled is based on the first statement he gave to a regional radio after being appointed on 14 April 2010. There was clearly expressed for the use of hydropower in Aysen, "S e are the great energy reserves in the country, the only clean energy, our renewable energy is hydroelectric, and energy that we need to get lucas for ayseninos we really incorporate the growth and development of Chile, and we develop our . " Since the December 5, 2008 had stated on a website a publisher that " the best energy: renewable, environmentally friendly and Chilean hundred percent is hydropower. Welcome lakes and hydroelectric plants to get their ancestral Aysén ostracism. "organizations consider that this situation constitutes a" circumstance which diminishes fairness "to decide on the project HidroAysén. All this was stated in the article" The conflicts of interest that pollute the environmental assessment of HidroAysén "published in CIPER in July last year. requesting presentations were made to disability civil servants, as required by Article 5 of Law 19.880 Establishing Bases Administrative Procedures Acts governing bodies of the Administration State. Still waiting for your response.
This article was introduced in 1999 by the Law on Administrative Probity 19,653 applied for the Bodies of State Administration, and has already been applied at regional level by the Comptroller, after alleging that several municipalities assessors HidroAysén projects and Southern Energy had signed contracts and received money from the companies themselves. On March 5, 2010, by Resolution 439, the Comptroller ruled that "the said municipalities should devise appropriate measures to refrain from signing agreements or accept contributions from individuals or corporations who have or may have interest in matters to be discussed, referred or resolved by the body building industry in question, a fact which will be verified by the agency controller in future audits are available on the particular . Lack of impartiality
Cuevas Pilar's situation and burn Sade could follow the same course of three regional ministerial secretaries, besides the Minister of Housing, and sought his disbarment. SEREMIS This is the Environment, Economy and Mining . Environment newly joins the CEA (as well as Energy, did not integrate the dissolved Corema) but SEREMI Paola Bauerle Ewert was already under scrutiny. Her husband, Rafael Eyzaguirre, an official of the Society of Paper and Paperboard Manufacturing (through Mininco Forest) that integrates the same holding company that owns Colbún (partner in HidroAysén), as shown in the official payroll
companies belonging to groups Businessof the Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros. The inconsistency would be the same as set out in Section 6 of Article 62 of the Constitutional Organic Law 18.575
General Bases of the State Administration. Until now acting in the vote would be the official Carol Alvarado Romo.
The case of SEREMI
Economy, Fernando Guzman Espinoza,falls within the number 5 of Law 19,880 which questions " have service relationship with natural or legal person directly concerned in the matter, or have paid in the last two years professional services of any kind and in any circumstance or place . " Prior to his appointment in office (on April 12, 2010) HidroAysén Guzman served for the evaluation of projects submitted for funding community organizations than electricity. Not been reported yet who subrogated.
The Mining SEREMI , Victoria Cáceres Moya has not publicly stated the legal grounds for disabled. Is likely due to what she herself admitted in May 2008 in an interview: " am currently working with a consultant who is a contractor for HidroAysén, they are making holes for the construction of hydroelectric
" adding that "local peopleall he wants is work ." Not known for his replacement. This week the author of this chronicle was admitted for an application Transparency Act to require all resolutions disqualification, and the names of their replacements. They ask challenging technical reports
But the situation of reports signed by Nicolas Terrazas 16 and November 22, 2010, when it should have been disqualified, are just two of the statements made last week a group organizations, including presiding over the author, asked to be invalid, having been issued at a time when faults were incurred administrative probity. All were uncovered in CIPER in July last year. Another question is the delivery office 10, 1708 November 2009, the Municipality of Coyhaique, issued when she went disability and obligation to refrain from the municipality for conflicts of interest that detracted impartiality, established by resolution 439 of the Regional Comptroller. The same applies to the 1584 regular of November 15, 2010 the Municipality of Coyhaique, delivered in circumstances where the incumbent mayor (and subscriber to the office), the UDI Omar Muñoz Sierra, also owned two properties (roles 550-26
27, district of Cochrane) that would be flooded by the Aysén Hydroelectric Project. Here, as shown in the diagram of the EIA HidroAysén shown above, very close to those of Terrazas who was head of the municipality, and of similar dimensions. also questioned the statement by trade
945 of 10 November 2009 of the Municipality of Cochrane, whose mayor is the UDI Patricio Ulloa Georgia, issued when she went disability and obligation to refrain from the municipality by conflicts of interest that subtracted impartiality, as evidenced by the Resolution 439 of the agency comptroller. In the same situation would find the comments of October 7, 2008
and November 10, 2009of the Municipality of O'Higgins, led by DC Fica José Gómez.
The challenge all such reports are made to the environmental authority, because the Comptroller General's Office responded to various organizations in the opinion 6518 to February 2, 2011 that " considering challenging the validity of reports The appellants were issued under two procedures of environmental impact assessment under way, is absolutely necessary that stakeholders raised the requests of the respective species within the administrative process, to be resolved by the competent organs, without appropriate for the moment, that this Supreme Audit, issued a statement regarding the matter raised, as this would interfere in a case in the present proceedings, which agrees with the opinion expressed in No. 45,336, 2008, the Comptroller . All this happens on the verge of voting on EIA HidroAysén and this week will file a criminal complaint to clarify the status of modified reports Housing SEREMI. Last Friday the new regional director to be sent to the 37 services evaluated Consolidated Evaluation Report, giving deadline May 6 for his visa. After that, anytime can be the vote. now challenged the staff themselves must solve disqualifications and appeals. No easy decision considering that they expected a battle of legal and filings with the Comptroller, with all eyes of the country placed in the processing of HidroAysén, the most important energy project evaluated so far in the country's history.
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