Sunday, May 1, 2011

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Latin America and the Caribbean to the Rankings World University

  • Posted by Hector via Google Reader:
  • Latin America and the Caribbean at the World University Rankings
    Jose Joaquin Brunner via
    of the

    Latin America fixed position and the Caribbean World University Rankings before
    Tuesday April 19, 2011 15:54

    With the emergence of university rankings and the impact they can have on public education policy, the

    IV Meeting of University Networks and Councils of Rectors of Latin America and the Caribbean
    , to be held the 5th and 6th of May in Buenos Aires, Argentina, will present IESALC MESALC, an online information system whose purpose is to promote coordination of national approaches to information on Higher Education (HE) in the region, looking at the creation of these spaces in those countries lacking the required infrastructure. At the same time, in this international forum will agree on the regional position in front of university rankings and their relationship to quality assessment. These systems comparison are designed with very specific criteria that respond to needs of countries, largely, industrialized. Therefore, HEIs in Latin America and the Caribbean is not inserted or placed favorably in these rankings due to lack of these conditions are predetermined and do not consider the social and economic context of developing nations.

    Unlike the rankings, the Map allows end users to understand both the dimensions of higher education in various universities in Latin America and the Caribbean as a free comparison of variables and indicators of their choice, making the selection process space transparent which gives the subject the freedom to search criteria in specific areas and aspects of interest.

    logo_unesco_iesalc.jpg Explains the Acting Director of UNESCO-IESALC, Mr. Pedro Henríquez Guajardo, MESALC to deepen the knowledge of higher education and promote a culture of information, and it has an articulated descriptors, variables and indicators aimed at diagnosis the academic situation of each nation accompanied by a Glossary of Higher Education to identify and define the basic concepts used in project implementation. "In the CRES 2008 was presented this tool as a regional alternative to college rankings, which are a manifestation inevitability of globalization and marketization of higher education, which are not adapted to the characteristics and needs of Latin America and the Caribbean. One of the main gaps in the region where higher education is the lack of information and lack of data and statistical systems that allow the necessary knowledge and relevant agency standard for comparison, which does not allow a relevant assessment and competent in relation to other regions, "added the Director.
    Henríquez For the Lord, creating a project like this is vital for Latin America. " It is imperative and a priority for countries and institutions of higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean to create these spaces that allow mutual understanding and appropriate to the reality of tertiary education. Also facilitate the assessment and knowledge of our peculiarities, characteristics and values \u200b\u200bof both positive and negative, before being compared to standards established for realities that are not ours, which we categorize and place us at a distinct disadvantage, obscuring the merits achieved in area of \u200b\u200bhigher education, "he said.

    also added that the MESALC responds directly to the commitment, ratified by all countries in the region, the Regional Conference Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (CRES 2008), with higher education. This conference helped create a general diagnostic on the situation of tertiary education in the region and propose possible solutions to promote their growth. "... it is necessary to undertake ... the articulation of national information systems on higher education in the region to promote, through the Map of Higher Education in LAC (MESALC), mutual knowledge between systems as a basis for academic mobility and as an input for appropriate public policies and institutions. " (CRES Declaration 2008).


    UNESCO Global Forum: Rankings and Accountability in Higher Education: Uses and Misuse

    , Paris, 16-17 May 2011

    IV Meeting of University Networks and the Council of Rectors of Latin America and the Caribbean

    Map of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean Project


    Map of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (MESALC)


    UNESCO - IESALC fulfilling its mission fundamental to contribute to the development and transformation of tertiary education Through participation in the conceptualization, development and formulation of programs, objectives and strategies of UNESCO on Higher Education (HE), proposes the Map of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (MESALC) as a troubleshooting tool to the need for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to build academic networks at institutional, national and regional level to discuss strategic issues of the ES and create suitable measures to overcome the strong asymmetries.

    The Regional Conference on Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (CRES 2008) was ratified the commitment that the countries of LAC with the ES. This meeting adopted a final declaration, under the consensus of the Latin American and Caribbean countries represented in their entirety by more than 3500 members of the regional academic community, including administrators, teachers, principals, students, representatives of governments, national regional and international, among others. This conference helped create a general diagnostic on the situation of tertiary education in the region and propose possible solutions to promote their growth.

    "... it is necessary to undertake ... the articulation of national information systems on higher education in the region to promote, through the Map of Higher Education in LAC (MESALC), the mutual understanding between the systems as a basis for academic mobility and as an input for appropriate public policies and institutions. "(Declaration CRES 2008)

    The MESALC is defined as an online information system, created by UNESCO - IESALC, whose purpose is to promote the articulation of national information systems is in the region, looking at the creation of these spaces in those countries lacking the necessary infrastructure.
    to deepen the knowledge about higher education and promote a culture of information for It has an articulated descriptors, variables and indicators in the diagnosis of the academic situation of each nation accompanied by a glossary of the ES to identify and define the basic concepts used in project implementation.

    categories and statistical data include a wide information base, allowing the user to fall into three perspectives: regional, national and institutional. The creation and development of the project depends on each country and institution of higher education (HEIs) involved, and therefore part of national enrichment, adapting public policies that promote development the ES. is important to reiterate that the Online Information System (SI) MESALC provides basic functions that allow interaction within and between academic institutions, national and regional levels. These can be placed at three points, the collection of statistical data through online forms, import and export bulk data, the content management and general information related to HE in LAC and the creation of a group of indicators HE. PURPOSE

    The ES map aims to:

    * Contribute to the expansion of knowledge on Education Superior in the region, based on specific national standards that are articulated in regional

    * Serve as an instrument for the formulation and monitoring of policies related to tertiary education, building national benchmarks, subregional and regional for the improvement and transformation of institutions and national systems of Higher Education;

    * Identify and share successful experiences of institutions and national, as well as promote and facilitate the partnership between higher education systems and institutions in LAC. MAP


    CRES In 2008, This tool was presented as a regional alternative to University Rankings are inevitable manifestation of globalization and the commodification of higher education, which are not adapted to the characteristics and needs of LAC. Since one of the main shortcomings of the region in ES is the lack of information and lack of data and statistical systems to enable the necessary knowledge and relevant agency standard for comparison, which does not allow a relevant assessment and competent in relation to other regions.

    is imperative and a priority for countries and LAC IES creating these spaces that allow knowledge mutual appropriate the reality of tertiary education, assess and meet our particularities, characteristics and values \u200b\u200bof both positive and negative, before being compared to standards established for realities that are not ours, which we categorize and place us in an obvious disadvantage , obscuring the merits achieved in ES.

    Unlike the rankings, the map allows the end user both the dimensions of higher education in the different IES LAC, as compared free variables and indicators of their choice, making the selection process transparent space gives concerned the freedom to conduct your search criteria in specific areas and aspects of interest.


    MESALC Project currently is in final stages of development and deployment platform. This suggests a high level of openness and flexibility to the complex mix of data collection systems of higher education in the region.

    It is hoped that the first pilot test mass in June of this year, with the participation of at least 60 IES LAC, who will test the online form MESALC. Meanwhile the

    MESALC has developed strategic relationships work, such as the agreement, in the year 2009, between the National Assembly of Rectors (ANR) of Peru and UNESCO - IESALC to the create space MESALC - Peru, which is currently in its second pilot to perform with the 97 universities that make up the NRA.


    In this same line and to promote the internationalization of the project, MESALC in 2010 INFOACES is associated with the project, largely financed by the European Commission within the ALFA III program, which brings together a total of 32 partners from 22 countries -17 in Latin America and 5 from Europe, all coordinated by the Technical University of Valencia, through the Center Quality Management and Change. The main objective is to develop indicators of second and third mission to establish the types of a diverse group of IES in Latin America and in order to expand the project all institutions in the region. UNESCO - IESALC as a member of the Executive Committee has proposed INFOACES synergy with MESALC, so that both can be completed and feed on the information gathered.

    This type of relationship has benefited the expansion and scope of MESALC, because it allowed the approach and working directly with IES, the primary source of information. INFOACES covers the same principles but MESALC with a different target, while looking in the first instance MESALC highlight and recognize the reality of each HEI and each National Higher Education System (SNES), INFOACES aims to study the dynamics and interaction of these realities.

    Contact: Ms. Lorica Sivira email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

    + 58 212 286 1020 Ext 131

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