Tuesday, May 3, 2011
How To Score High On The Nln Entrance Pre-exam
The barber and Humberto Argentine dancer rose Zambelli Renault 12 in the car and headed swiftly toward the Ezeiza airport. This November 4, 1978 was to meet his partner, Enrique Arancibia Clavel, whose business card indicated that he was an agent of the State Bank in Buenos Aires. A screen very well paid for the head of the clandestine network of the National Intelligence Directorate (DINA), Argentina, who was returning from Santiago shocked. The dancer Susana Jimenez ballet had no idea that all steps were observed and photographed.
The warm embrace of Zambelli and Arancibia was observed at close range by men scattered in the air terminal. Some, barely managed to stifle a smile. The couple said nothing. In the same car started back to the elegant apartment which they lived. They had met in the summer of 1974 and since then no longer be separated. Shortly In the double bottom of the sideboard in the dining room found a voluminous documents whose contents caused the first surprise. Because what jumped at the sight of the group of Federal Police trasandina was a document with confidential information about Chile's Foreign Minister Hernan Cubillos, and its relationship with the CIA and the newspaper El Mercurio
DINA agent identity.
What Cubillos was to report on the documents carefully sorted black plastic folders, and responses were copies of orders received from the headquarters of the DINA in Santiago since 1974, including private letters to senior officials Secret Service commanded. Among them, Michael Townley, who had just been kicked out (April 1978) by the Pinochet regime to the U.S. to be tried and convicted as the perpetrator of the crime Orlando Letelier and his assistant Ronnie Moffit (Washington, 1976). Pinochet and Contreras insisted that Townley was never an agent of the DINA. And there was the evidence of their participation in the most secret of law enforcement agencies.
folders contained four year history of repression waged outside the main Chilean secret security service, a network of agents deployed by several countries and working closely with other departments of the Southern Cone dictatorships. A part of the story of "Operation Condor" Arancibia inexplicably kept in his dresser.
For the Argentines, and involved in their own mass and brutal repression, the contents are not surprised. How they used it, is so far a secret. The reality is that after a few months, many of the papers was abandoned only to be almost forcibly embedded in five cases where the process was condensed for espionage. From there they went to a dark, lonely room Judicial Archives. Forgotten.
Eight years later, the author of this article go to Buenos Aires to investigate the murder of General Carlos Prats and his wife. In a hallway, a man would look almost heard that record. They were days of intense play that led many doors and when with the help of Argentine journalist Horacio Verbitsky, an unflinching funcionario finalmente sacó las cinco cajas del proceso y me dejó a puertas cerradas en esa gélida sala del Archivo Judicial. Lo que se abriría ante mis ojos provocó un frío mayor que el que en ese invierno de 1986 imperaba en Buenos Aires.
Dos meses después del Golpe de Estado, en noviembre de 1973, Arancibia Clavel se presentó en el cuartel general de la recién creada Comisión DINA. "Lo hice para saludar al entonces coronel Manuel Contreras y ofrecerme a su disposición para llevarle cualquier tipo de información", declaró el propio Arancibia ante un tribunal argentino el 28 de noviembre de 1978. "A los pocos días fui entrevistado por DINA officer at that office called 'Don Elias' (Raul Iturriaga Neumann) and was one of the heads of the Foreign Department. He gave me instructions on how to get information was through the channel they consider most appropriate, explaining that he should not use my real name nor disclose my status as a member of the Foreign Service of the DINA ", elaborated.
ThusEnrique Arancibia Clavel became an agent of the DINA in Argentina. Its screen was the representation of the State Bank in the neighboring country, an office which was recommended by Vice President Valentín Robles. To circumvent an obstacle had to hire important Arancibia at that time was a fugitive from justice, accused of terrorist acts, as a member of the group that killed the army commander Rene Schneider in October 1970.
His imprint as "bomber"-so called-was in the bombs that were placed on the Stock Exchange, School of Law, University of Chile, in the then-TV Channel 9 and the airport Santiago. Only fate made the most powerful device placed in the room air does not explode. So confessed before the Chilean courts in the trial for the crime of Schneider (folio 1877), which acknowledged its participation. He also accused the general Roberto Viaux of masterminding the series of terrorist acts which he executed with other members of the extreme right. Sought, he said, preparing the climate for the kidnapping of Schneider, whose ultimate goal was to prevent Allende from taking as president of Chile. Therefore, after each attack, threw leaflets from a hitherto unknown Brigade Obrero Campesino (BOC): "to believe that the perpetrators were a group of ultra left and create an adverse climate."
Arancibia was arrested. He was 26 years and was studying fourth year of Engineering at the University of Chile after a brief stint at the Naval Academy. His father, an officer Navy (r) and a brother officer in the same branch. Another was an Army officer. Despite his own admission, they found explosives at his home on October 8, 1970, and the extensive evidence against him, was released on bail.
That same night he fled to the south of Chile. Everything was organized by someone who never wanted to identify. Because I hid in the Hosteria del Lago Ranco, and in February 1971, the owner of the inn (named Provost) it moved across the border by the passage Tromen (Mamuil Malal), leaving the country with a false identity card . There he hoped the former aide to Gen. Juan Carlos Ongania, when Argentina exercised control as a dictator in the 60's.
In 1966, the Conference of American Armies in Buenos Aires, Onganía American proposed to institutionalize a permanent defense force, regional intervention against enemy subversive. His main opponent was precisely the General Rene Schneider, who has not assumed as head of the Chilean army.
Three years later, the fugitive terrorist for his role in the conspiracy that culminated in the assassination of the commander in chief, was hired as a public official in the regime headed by another general.
"I started to implement with instructions to give me the captain Luis Gutierrez, "he said in 1978. And prove Arancibia documents kept in his possession.
PRATS the last day of September 1974, the masterminds of the crime General Carlos Prats thought they had cleared a key hurdle for Pinochet to be made of the total power in the Army and the military junta. Taking the stage to the general who claimed up to 18 days before the coup the military honor to prevent dictatorship and repression, also thought they had done away with the ever-present specter of Gen. Rene Schneider, his predecessor as army commander in chief, killed in October 1970. And the principles that both defended.
almost thirty years would pass before justice. And it was the Supreme Court rejected the impeachment of General Augusto Pinochet for his involvement in the murder of Prats and his wife Sofia Cuthbert, Argentina requested by Judge Maria Servini, which led in 2003 the historic opening of the trial in Chile the murder of former army chief (
See Note 1).
Soon the minister in charge of the case, Alejandro Solis, find the most important evidence was missing: the report to track all steps of Prats and drawings of your home, delivered by official Juan Morales Salgado DINA Manuel Contreras
(View document
).A report had been kept in complete secrecy and allowed to prove conclusively the authorship of the DINA. And also the participation of Enrique Arancibia Clavel gravitating.
For the last piece of the puzzle discovered by Solís also caused others to confess:
the crime was ordered from Santiago in June 1974,
and data collected Morales Salgado and allowed to put the bomb shattered bodies Prats and his wife in the right place and time required, were provided by Enrique Arancibia Clavel.
The painting was completed assembly in Chile. Arancibia Clavel was already convicted in Buenos Aires. And while it was proven that Michael Townley, the man who planted the bomb, he never lied. His first confession made to police Chilean-Nelson Jofre and Rafael Castillo, accompanied by the Deputy Commissioner Eduardo Riquelme Gonzalez of Chile Interpol OCW-2 and September 3, 1992, the United States. An examination ordered by the Minister Adolfo Bañados:
But in 1992 Pinochet maintained its political power and influence in the Supreme Court. The seal of impunity was unshakable. Moreover for the crime of army chief. Townley's confession was dropped. For many, Arancibia would be the only one convicted. contracts Enrique Arancibia Clavel in the representation of the State Bank of Chile in Argentina has the start date of October 1, 1974, hours after the perpetration of the attack that took the life of Gen. Carlos Prats and his wife Sophie Cuthbert in the streets of Palermo in Buenos Aires. Almost a prize. But during the process in Argentina for his death no one calls attention to date. Nor Humberto Zambelli the dancer, her partner, stated in the spy trial that met in the summer of 1974 in Argentina. Days Arancibia said he was in Chile.
MIRTHA LEGRAND AND SUSANA JIMENEZ Had it not been for the famous Mirtha Legrand Susana Jimenez Arancibia and Zambelli would not have known. Because that's when the latter was working as a hairdresser in the house Miguelito Romano de Mar del Plata, he had to attend to Legrand and her husband, Daniel Tinayre, who hired him to be a dancer in the musical "Hair." A total success. Ran 1973 and lasted functions for eight months. When "Hair" down the curtain Zambelli returned to Mar del Plata but not as a hairdresser, a nightclub act called "Hydrogen", where he met Susana Jiménez. Argentina diva hire him to dance at the Teatro Astros. was the summer of 1974 and one of those nights that left back role his life would turn over. At least that's what she said to his interrogators in 1978:
"I expect a young person, male. I invited several times to drink coffee and chat. Over the days and even accept the invitation brought him to the house of my parents in Lanús. So we fully faith as a friendly one with whom turned out to be Enrique Arancibia Clavel, testified at the trial for espionage against Arancibia.
Four years later, history would give a jump. Arancibia fall and with it, the file you saved in the double bottom. Where is the evidence that would implicate him in the repression against Chileans. AUTHOR ISABEL ALLENDE FAMILY IN SIGHT
While Arancibia Clavel file shows that the main focus of his work are the exiles, there is also evidence that continued vigilance on the other Chileans as he attended the Schneider conspiracy to murder and took refuge in Argentina.
About Mario Igualt, Viaux brother Robert, reports the October 21, 1974: "He's working for the Argentine security services for which payment is made quite high. Your contact is an officer Schiaffino (SIE)." Four days later reported that Ramón Huidobro, Chile's ambassador to Argentina until September 11, 1973, stepfather of the writer Isabel Allende and the last person, with his wife, Francisca Llona, \u200b\u200bwhich was seen alive Gen. Carlos Prats, managed to leave Argentina. Was threatened with death and sought to kill him.
was not alone. In a peremptory order sent by "Luis Gutierrez, the head plate using the foreign department of the DINA and that in those days hiding the identity of General Raúl Eduardo Iturriaga Neumann, is asked "the location of work and home address of the most notorious of the old regime in Buenos Aires and Mendoza." The first list of the Chilean Popular Unity's supporters living in Argentina was personally placed on the desktop Arancibia "Luis Gutierrez" in Santiago. Mario Igualt
remains concerned: "I heard that in Chile Igualt uses a false identity card in the name of business Pino unclear. In Argentina also has double documentation. The false is named Horacio Pizarro."
As the crackdown deepens in Argentina, Arancibia extending its links with the military and civilian repression. The Salesian priest Luis Gallo is transformed in late 1974 in white. He writes: "It's in Santiago, is contact with the guerrillas in Cordoba Argentina Chilean extremists. Must fence. It is very skilful and dangerous."
One of the points demanded greater initial work was to find the safest ways to send documents to and from Chile. For a time it was through Sonia Montecinos, secretary of the charge d'affaires of the Embassy of Chile in Buenos Aires, Carlos Osorio (
See Note 3). In Chile, the envelopes were receiving at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Miguel Poklepovic Klamce, who was call Don Elijah "(another sheet used by Iturriaga).
This was confirmed by my own Poklepovic in notarized statement, he even told me that the request for help in this task was in Santiago, at dinner at the home of a relative of Arancibia.
Monitoring the DINA in Buenos Aires focused on the Chileans who worked in the ECLAC and the Ebert Foundation, the then West Germany. In one document reads: "The representative is Klaus Ebert Dressel, a resident of Florida 716, eighth floor, department works with Walter C. Nocker, labor delegate of the German embassy in Chile. Walter acting as a courier and liaison of two countries. Get the best background and foundation of the subjects mentioned. "
Arancibia gave the answer in person at the headquarters of the DINA in Belgrade street in Santiago. And also added data on another object of surveillance, the group Mario Igualt, which looked like a competition: "The father Ernesto Rojas, who made the charges in November 1974, going to Chile in late December, will let you know so that they interview. Has more background on the network that has sought to build on which would Igualt Enrique Rojas, Julio Fontecilla, Jorge Arce and Carlos Labarca
(brother of Admiral Martínez Bush and all the crime fugitive general Schneider). The latter would be a major Carrasco contact the DINA with offices in the Ministry of Justice. "
The announcement of the arrival of Colonel Enrique Arancibia Barría prompted to deploy more activity. In December 1974, former engineering student reports a key partner for the repressive activity of the foreign DINA and Operation Condor. " Martin Ciga Correa, head of security at the University of Buenos Aires, offers information of all Chileans, teachers and students in this house of studies (
See Note 4).But Ciga was an old acquaintance of the DINA. Militia leader of the Nationalist
participated in the murder of Prats.
was not chosen at random. His history of terrorism talks about it. He played in the shock troops of Argentine nationalism where received the nickname of "Christ" and "The Panzer", an armed group called the Nationalist Socialist Youth. When Peron died, the group of López Rega, founder of the Triple A, convinces the president to appoint Estela Martínez Education Minister Oscar Ivanisevich, who puts as rector of the University of Buenos Aires to Alberto Ottalagano. It was a scandal. Brutal repression prevented. Because Ottalagano academic exhibits in his review the author of a book whose title is
'm fascist, so what?The new rector and author of the book immediately took Ciga Correa as head of campus security. Would soon be identified as author of Winie murder of Daniel, an engineering student, kidnapped on November 29, 1978. But it was a day in prison. It Ciga the end of 1974 that gives Arancibia new information it conveys to James: "The group that Pratt would have eliminated a list of 8 other Chileans." Ciga also tells Ramon Panchita Huidobro and his wife are already in the United States. The couple never knew that leaving Argentina hurriedly escaped certain death.
The same would have happened, according to these files, with Mary Elizabeth Camus, a former executive of Codelco in times of UP and one of the 8 persons suspected "targets to eliminate." "His address is the same as that of our naval attache. All the history of their movements is SIDE, "said Arango.
All this cost a lot of money. For as Arancibia received a monthly dollar on the DINA, a complement to his salary at the State Bank, the services which provided Ciga were not free. Neither the information delivered. In a letter sent by Santiago Arancibia, reads: "Sending copy of a check paid by Ciga Maria Jose Riesco Bezanilla, Chile, by information delivered to the Chilean Ciga on University (Buenos Aires, UBA).
February Heat (1975) did not prevent further Arancibia the footsteps of other priests to be connected to the subversive movement ", who identify in relation to the priest" American Jesuit based in Salta, father Haas, president of Catholic University in that city and a personal friend of Allende. This priest is visited regularly by exiled Chileans and Bolivians. " The arms deal, on behalf of their leaders, kept him busy in March 1975. His interlocutor was Luis Sanies, the "contact was initiated by Jorge Ramirez of the Bank of America." Sanies is "more in retirement, the Joint Staff, Intelligence Headquarters Two, junior general Della Croce and who will liaise directly with Admiral Peyronnel, current head of the SIDE." On Friday 14 March to the 15 hours leading to the appointment.
dispatched for the report shows that the SIDE is not responding to the collaboration with the DINA. "Sanies agrees that collaboration is done on an informal basis without embassy." He adds, "all the background on 'toys' you have to sell, including a listing of missiles." A salary increase is the reward for this business to Sani and his second (Horacio Sturlla), as embodied in Santiago. Arancibia change of focus and calls for investigation into the deputy foreign trade of the State Bank, Alfonso Ubilla, while the increase in missing information by the repression in Argentina: "They've fallen to 160 people April 13, making an average of one death every 15 hours. In recent days have dropped eight Chileans. RIP is estimated. "Operation Colombo" STEP BY STEP April would be a month that their bosses Arancibia show the efficiency of their contacts. The alleged corpse of the Chilean engineer David Silbermann, former manager of Chuquicamata, abducted in October 1974 from the prison in Santiago and has since disappeared, was found in a park of Buenos Aires (
See Note 5). Arancibia on file are the manuscripts with
Silberman data sent from Santiago to the assembly.
Would be the beginning of one of the most brutal operations of the Chilean regime: "Operation Colombo", which try to appear as killed by their own comrades on the outside of 119 disappeared Chileans. Arancibia will play a key role in this assembly.
"Deputy material related to operations executives appeared in various press organs. Tahl Ubal picture will possibly RIP federal coordination. Invoices accompanying Colombo paid in the course of the week along with 15 bills Argentina "says encryption cable he sent to" Luis Gutierrez, head of foreign department of the DINA. The bills are arrested.
But not everything worked as planned. On April 22, Arancibia sent a report to the General Raul Iturriaga: "Unfortunately so far the publicity for the event Colombo has been almost nil. Tomorrow I will be interviewing with Martin Ciga to know exactly what happened. For this week are engaged the remaining two will appear with 15 'Creole'. I hope that advertising is greater. Martin asked me to care for about seven people photography. I hope to take them with me. I also offered a deal with Elizabeth Camus. "
Isabel Camus was in jeopardy again. Like thousands of Chileans and Argentineans who had broken an unprecedented hunt. Arancibia traveled to Chile on April 25 to coordinate the details of "Operation Colombo" in progress. 7 The names of prisoners and executed, which calls attention Martin Ciga photograph (passport or identity cards) were discussed at the headquarters of the DINA.
as the operational arm of the DINA, personally coordinated by Arancibia Clavel, joined the group Phalanx of Faith, based in Cordoba and was headed by Jorge E. Flores Allende. Sanies other arm was also operating for hire. Two arms armed for action and suppress, in Buenos Aires and Cordoba
as decided by the head of the DINA in Santiago.
the manuscripts The reality is that neither Sanies Flores could not compete with the group of Ciga Correa, the principal operating arm that had the DINA in Argentina. In the black plastic folders footprint was retained Arancibia macabre that society. On May 8 handwritten lists appear the names of more than 100 detainees to Chile to do as implemented in Argentina. They are simple notebook paper with blue border and misspellings. There are names that have never had any explanation they do not appear in any register of prisoners or missing: Samuel Ovando Molina Abarca, Gabriela Arredondo Sepulveda Soledad Andrade and
Ciga doing his job. This follows the report sent Arancibia May 16 on the first phase of Operation Colombo, "made by the group of Martin Ciga in perfect shape," he writes. A report detailing shakes there too because the effectiveness of the paramilitary groups that spread terror in those days in the neighboring country. Those who Arancibia simply called "commands to execute." "His direct executor is the curator Ramírez (a), 'The Butcher', a specialist in burned and drowned. With recent political developments the group has decided to join the group of Martin (Ciga), "said Arancibia their leaders to inform them of his latest acquisition: the group Arens. particular home address of Ricardo Lagos and five other researchers FLACSO in Buenos Aires is the last entry you added Arancibia in his detailed report on paramilitary groups in Argentina. But something happened. On May 23 he sent a report on an urgent basis: "I was struck by the silence on the 'publicity' in the case Colombo . For one week you do not have any information you regard. I would like to know what determination is reached on how to handle the journalist Carlos Manuel Acuña calling me almost every day. Tomorrow I will get all the records that were sent to Santiago through the Interpol. Copies Vicente got them (Col. Victor Barria) . Colombo had problems. Still, the connection with his simile DINA Argentina (SIDE) was newly established. Sanies was the link with the Colonel Spinetto " SIDE second interior work is subversive, "wrote Arancibia. He added:" What interests them is the case you need to contact made an unofficial operation. DISCOLA AMBASSADOR
The latest phase of Operation Colombo was imminent. And in those very days, the Ambassador of Chile to Argentina, Rene Rojas Galdames, Manuel Contreras shot a missile that was never public: they cut the pouch to the people of the Dina. Arancibia infuriated and sought alternative. Michael Townley, who will be found in Lan Chile pilot for a few dollars to take the job
(View document
). But Rojas was on a blacklist by accounts receivable.
Later, as recorded in their files, shall use a high-Arancibia Argentine intelligence chief to monitor and spy Ambassador Rojas and his family. The private lives of their daughters was described with insolence on the reports of the DINA, while the tension between Rojas and Colonel Barría grew. Arancibia writes: "It is essential that this man understands who he works for.'s Ambassador to Santiago travel now. Probably going to move his radical mafia against the loyalists. I ask the company to take drastic measures for." Years later, on the night of November 10, 1981, the CNI would explode a car in front of the ambassador's residence in Santiago (The Vizcachas) with four occupants inside. Version official said the four youths, who were burned, were preparing an attack on the home of former ambassador when the bombs exploded accidentally. What the judge found Joaquin Billard years later was that the four occupants of the car had been arrested previously by the NCI. One of them today could not be identified because he lacked the head, feet and hands. Many believe it was revenge against the ex Dina Rojas. FOOTPRINT TOWNLEY In those days of 1975, Arancibia papers appears Michael Townley in Buenos Aires. Both are known. And very well. Since that match in the operation which killed Gen. Carlos Prats and his wife on a street in Palermo in Buenos Aires (1974). This time Townley bursts with a significant role in Operation Colombo. Manuel Contreras himself sent him a card signed by him and addressed to the Secretary of Homeland Security
It offers "unconditional support they have from us in all its activities" and asks "who spend a few minutes is already an old acquaintance." Indeed, King García Arancibia and known. The card is the hallmark of the mission carried the first official. And at the highest level.
The meeting between King García Arancibia Clavel and takes place Friday 1 August. "On the lists of Chileans entered Argentina on different steps in due course delivered by Mr. Diego Castro ( false identity Raúl Iturriaga Neumann), I will deliver them with stamps and signatures as outlined in the original delivery. These lists will be answered on 5 August and will make his own brother attended the meeting. I asked her Argentine passport blank which promised to give me five on the same Tuesday, 5 "( See Note 6) .
What is required to García Rey is the official papers showing that the 119 Chileans to which you want to appear as killed by their own colleagues abroad, actually went from Chile to Argentine territory different mountain passes. Are the same as those in the handwritten list with more than 100 names of detainees who was in his file.
After an occasional inconvenience, and the timely intervention of another important partner of Dina and star of the dirty war in Argentina, Jorge Osvaldo Rivera (aka "Rawson", second in command of the SIE), the operation is ready for execution final. Rey Garcia will be referred to hereafter as "Tito." Months later, when Garcia is threatened with death, offers rest and relaxation in Chile for him and his family. So does Rivera, who travels to Santiago with his wife all expenses paid by the DINA, the September 2, 1975. He embarks on Paraguay. A section that will recur among men engaged in Operation Condor, which Rivera will be key. (See document
This is evidenced by a report dated August 27 that year, in which he wrote to Iturriaga Arancibia, "Lt. Col. Osvaldo Rawson has the idea of \u200b\u200bforming a coordinated intelligence central Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. " The following story has been written several times. After the appearance of the magazine
Read Argentina (60 names) and Novo O'Día daily
The Third ), "identified 60 MIR executed by their own comrades "(Mercury ), 'bloody battle outside of Mir ( Latest News
). For several daysemphasized that all resources had been filed under "which shows the lie that the Marxists have made on the action of the security services." That assembly, one of the most shocking that lived under dictatorship and that first put the word "disappeared" on the table, was typed from the headquarters of the DINA and bears the imprint code Enrique Arancibia Clavel.
Pinochet's regime insisted through all diplomatic and political channels that had no connection with the assembly of the Operation Colombo. Even when survivors of the prisons begin a hunger strike to insist that most of them had seen any of the secret prisons where detainees were kept. Even if the magazine were demonstrated
Readhad that single issue in Buenos Aires, and left an imprint of López Rega, the founder
Triple-Argentina and member of the DINA. And even though the same thing happened with the newspaper in Curitiba, but articulated by the consul of Chile in Rio de Janeiro, Gerardo Roa. "OPERATION EUROPE run operations did not end with the impact of Colombo. On the contrary. In the archives of Arancibia Clavel's the proof. Ciga Correa called for more "work" to run in Buenos Aires or any other city in the world and "a Sterling submachine gun or the type, quieter." And put a high price to its function. retains a dimension of Arancibia attention, "Martin asked if the" Operation Europe "will need cooperation from them." On August 15, Ciga receive an affirmative answer: work in the "German section" of "Operation Europe." And only that. Today we know that at that time there were only days before the attack on Bernardo Leighton and his wife, executed on 5 October in Rome. Both survived but with severe injuries. Also, the failed attempt to assassinate the Venezuelan terrorist Carlos "the Jackal" (Ilich Ramirez Sanchez) , in exchange for a fat reward Manuel Contreras asked the Shah of Iran. (See story The day offered Manuel Contreras Shah of Iran to kill "Carlos, the Jackal ). What were the other attacks? How many were successful? No response yet.
But Aranciba files delivered other answers. Like what happened when the Mir leader Jorge Isaac Fuentes Alarcón ("The Troske"), was arrested in Asunción and
delivered by the secret police of the DINA Paraguay. When he learns in Buenos Aires Lieutenant Colonel Rivera "Rawson", is furious. Believes that key information sources have Revolutionary Coordinating Board and wants to them. The service will compete prey by hunting derail the incipient human cooperation. is not the only problem faced by the DINA and Arancibia in those days. Because Rivera ("Rawson") is informed that Manuel Contreras has organized a coordination meeting of the secret services of the Southern Cone dictatorships in Santiago. The original idea that he considered his debut in November and he was not invited. The Argentine official bursts. Arancibia move their pieces on the days when Manuel Contreras was preparing to officially open on November 26 Operation Condor in Chile. Officially, because in fact some time ago that coordination to kill opponents was underway. CAPTURING
repressive activity does not stop. Days before the release of Condor, 17 November 1975, Arancibia shipped the following report to James: "According to information the commander Jorge Osvaldo (Rivera), 'Chicken Enriquez' located in Baires. Developments are expected. The so-Claudet (
Jean Ives Claudet,missing prisoner) could be Humberto Sotomayor, send photo. Claudet is RIP. In final instructions displayed Revolutionary Coordinating Board involved Renan Fuentealba and Bernardo Leighton. "
(View document ) The head of the MIR, Edgardo Enríquez, would be held in Buenos Aires. His detention and removal mark a milestone in the DINA. The participation of the apparatus of SIE in their capture was not free. DINA connect the two services offered directly and through a permanent special telex DINA itself financed and provided. Manuel Contreras met. In March, the coordination of law enforcement secrets of Chile and Argentina goes to the next level. A surprising detail. Reviewing the file of Enrique Arancibia Clavel warns that in these days of November 1978, with the impending war between the two countries, the telex never stopped working. The dirty war was no truce.
NEW MEMBERS FOR TERRORISM documents containing the file Arancibia Clavel, the only has finally found the DINA, are a striking record of horror. There are the identification cards of some of the missing who always denied they had been arrested. Photos of mangled bodies, mutilated or charred. What were they doing in Argentina? A mystery. Arancibia because he always refused to talk about it.
not know more than what is in those papers up, detention and murder of Alexei Jaccard Siegler, who landed in Buenos Aires on May 16, 1977. Came from Europe and brought with him money to carry his teammates Chile Communist Party. The day after his arrival he was captured. His trail was lost, but in the reports contained some clues about the torture and execution, and also on the hunt that ensued and ended with 15 Chileans missing.
An episode that reveals the other face of repression: the ongoing theft of monies and valuables from which prisoners were stripped. To the extent that men Ciga Correa, the Italian fascist Stephano Delle Cubans Chiaie and Virgilio Paz and the Novo brothers, more Arancibia and other Chileans, end formed a partnership which aims to kidnap businessmen for ransom and arms trafficking. A chapter that no court or Argentine or Chilean has been investigated so far. In
Arancibia files there are several documents that prove the new raid by agents of repression. As you realize the meeting Ciga Correa, Virgilio Paz and others have in June 1976 in the barracks who lives in Lo Curro Michael Townley, to "plan a series of kidnappings take place in Argentina given the need to raise funds own. " SPOTLIGHT FBI the end of 1976, the need for money to reveal the men of international terrorism is becoming clearer. Well as the luxuries that are allowed. Enrique Arancibia Clavel not stay on the sidelines. With your partner Humberto Zambelli, have become partners as owners of the department in which they live together in Buenos Aires. For the weekends, have purchased land in the residential sector and there are Tortuguitas build a barbecue, a kind of stilts with a thatched roof, and a pool. A perfect haven of rest. All this requires money. Arancibia explore new commercial grain group. Also coordinate more complex purchases. As reported by a mysterious envelope addressed shipped from Buenos Aires Capital Alexander Bontempi Lan Chile in Santiago. Inside there is another smaller envelope addressed to "Luis Gutierrez" and your phone number in the headquarters of the DINA: 31402. Arancibia eagerly awaiting the answer. As does not arrive, is alarmed. And command a telex.
The report went on small purchases of supplies made by "Javier" (the Cuban Virgilio Paz, who participated in the murder of Orlando Letelier, was sentenced by U.S. justice and taken refuge in a while Chile), on behalf of the DINA: radio equipment and other items for making bombs the same type as the one used to kill Carlos Prats and his wife in 1974.
and fabricated. And they used. This was highlighted by U.S. courts in a field experiment: the same bomb that killed Prats in September 1974 was used in September 1976 to blow up the car she was Orlando Letelier and his assistant Washington.
items were purchased by Virgilio Paz, who used a card Alejandro Bontempi, making reside in Argentina. In Arancibia files is the footprint.
transactions that ended in the sights Enrique Arancibia FBI. On October 12, 1977 is recorded in the agenda of the aggregate of the FBI in Buenos Aires, Robert Scherrer, his appointment with Aranda, who portrays himself as a "friend" of Colonel Victor Barria, the official head of the DINA in Buenos Aires. Asks visa to travel to California. There are days when the files are as up several businesses for funding. And they all end in the United States. The
visa will cost you dearly. Because Scherrer later say that without being asked, Arancibia tells her that her work at the State Bank is just a cover for his real job as head of the clandestine network of the DINA in the neighboring country (
See Note 7).
The end of these files match the total loss of power enjoyed Manuel Contreras and his men. The breakdown comes through in each report. Much more on the official letters written to him Arancibia from Chile (
See Note 8). A chapter that takes the hidden network of gestation, financing and development in Chile of "Operation Condor", which served to display in the '70s and 80's, a huge apparatus of international state terrorism in conjunction with the security services of the other Southern Cone dictatorships. And all under the umbrella logistical and financial support of the DINA.
Hundreds of officers deployed around the world, sophisticated communication networks, manufacturing chemical and biological weapons, travel, payments to agents from other countries and many other items required a millionaire financial structure that emerged from the coffers of the State of Chile and a complex network of societies living in tax havens (See story
Why Sonami Ovalle gave to: He was a member of the finance chief of the DINA). Even
Today, these networks have contacts and links of protection. This was revealed by assassination of DINA chemist Eugenio Berrios in Uruguay in 1993, who worked for that very secret Foreign Department manufacture chemical weapons. Arancibia knew him very well. In his file there are several references to "Hermes", the nom de guerre in the DINA and the aftershocks caused by their negligence to have mentioned by name in one of his telex. And also, one of his business cards.
Proof of the network of impunity is the freedom he enjoyed himself Arancibia Clavel since 2007 in Buenos Aires by an incomprehensible legal interpretation of sentences. Even more serious is the impunity enjoyed by today Martin Ciga Correa ( View documents)
Note 1 In July 2002, when the Santiago Court of Appeals should rule on the request for impeachment Argentina requested for justice against him for his role in the crime Carlos Prats and his wife, Pinochet was on holiday in Iquique. In a highly publicized trip, the general showed little of his mind was irreversible cortical dementia, the cause of the end of his trial for the crimes of the Caravan of Death. But this new request outrage sparked the alert. The vacation ended abruptly, and Pinochet returned to Santiago to await the Supreme Court ruling (December 2002).
In 2003, for the first time, the justice system worked through Minister Alejandro Solis jurisdiction when processed to the staff of the DINA for the murder of General Carlos Prats and his wife Sofia Cuthbert: Manuel Contreras and Pedro Espinoza (both , acting as managers); and Raul Iturriaga Neumann, Jorge Iturriaga Neumann and Jose Octavio Zara Holger, as members of the criminal organization. A group that planned the "physical elimination of the general (r) Carlos Prats González deemed dangerous to the permanence of the military government of Chile," the ruling said. They would all be doomed. Note 2Minister Alejandro Solis joined in his ruling the outputs and inputs of the country with the general Raúl Eduardo Iturriaga Neumann, convicted of direct involvement in the murder of General Prats and his wife under false identity "Diego Castro Castañeda" between 16 and 30 July 1974. In addition, appears with twelve outputs to and from Uruguay to Chile from April '74 to September '77. His brother George, also condemned by the same double crime, records as many entries from Argentina from 5 July to 3 September 1974, immediately after the murder. As Michael Townley, this criminal operation that used for a passport to the Pinochet regime negotiated with the United States in April 1978 and will never be investigated: Kenneth Enyart went to Chile on August 30, 1974 from Argentina, left the September 10 of that year went to Buenos Aires and its entry into Chile is produced this time from Uruguay on October 1, 1974, hours after the perpetration of the attack. General Raul Iturriaga
records other movements, but under another false identity, "Eduardo José Rodríguez Pérez", a diplomatic passport. Comprising movements in April 1975 and January 1976 between Chile, Argentina and Brazil. The same person, but a diplomatic passport and ten years younger outflows by land to Peru (January 1973), income from air Ecuador (February 1973) and a departure to Argentina in February 1974. Another strand untapped secret operations by the military. Note 3
Mardones Carlos Osorio was a direct witness to the activities of the DINA in Buenos Aires. In 1976, for the murder of Orlando Letelier, was Director of Protocol of the Foreign Ministry in Santiago and took control of the supply of fake passports in the operation that tried to hide the authorship of the DINA. Osorio knew too much. In October 1977, died in mysterious circumstances, never investigated. Minister Alejandro Solis mention the fact in its final decision by the murder of General Prats. At least one witness has said that so was eliminated with Sarin gas.
His death
Note 4
Note 5
From the research that includes the book Labyrinth
, Eugen M. Proper and Taylor Branch, page 478.
Note 8
(deputy chief of the Foreign Department of the Dina).
In regard to Wilson(Townley),
he is well in USA, but I can not count more for reasons security. It was a mariconada what they did, both of Pinocchio, as Mena andElijah
(Raúl Eduardo Iturriaga Neumann)was thrown out of service because of problems with Wilson and Mena (Odlanier Mena) . The situation is calmer, but still a lot and cost a high price for some people, specially in politics. We must have faith, this shower will have to happen next. I beg you to accelerate to the maximum, everything is done to save Wilson
(Townley).(general Herman Brady, former Minister of Defence)
soon replace Covarrubias (general Sergio Covarrubias, chief of the Presidential). " The last and most embarrassing letter is dated June 27 1978. Willike It says: "Here the hueveo continues and gets worse every day. I think we're in a Chinese shoe. Mariana (Callejas) continues his stupid statements. Unfortunately the only one who pays the piper is my friend Wilson (Townley). For the statements in this egg producing left the arena in the Grand Jury, along with our friend Joselo (Zara) , having talked with her during the "feast of the air,"
(name of the DINA for the operation Letelier ), but fortunately Orozco (General Hector Orozco, military judge) and Pantoja (Col. Jerome Pantoja, deputy director of the DINA and after CNI) supported me and I'm not in the summary. The good news: as of this week will initiate activities in the motorized regiment of Buin No 1 Viva Chile Mierda! Happy to return to freedom and not to work more with these idiots. "
Note 9
files Enrique Arancibia Clavel was systematized by the National Security Archive and donated to universities Uniacc and Alberto Hurtado, where you store copies of documents. Things you can do from here: CIPER Chile
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